Typography Final Project



Yang Xu Guo /0362534

Typography/Bachelor of D

esign (Honours) in Creative Media



TASK1:Type Expression and Text Formatting

TASK2: Typographic Exploration and Communication

TASK3:Type Design and Communication


Week1-Week6 / 03.04.23-12.05.23

Exercise 1 :Type Exercise

Figure1.1 :Final design of Type Expressions- JPEG


Figure1.2:Final design of Type Expressions- PDF


Figure 1.3:Final Animated Type Expression for the word “freedom”

(Week4 -25.04.2023)

Exercise 2:Text Formatting

Figure 1.4:Final Text Formatting Layout -JPEG

(Week 5-03.05.2023)

Figure1.5:Final Text Formatting Layout -PDF

(Week 5-03.05.2023)

Figure1.6:Final Text Formatting Layout-JPEG

(Week 5-03.05.2023)

Figure 1.7:Final Text Formatting Layout-PDF
(Week 5-03.05.2023)


Week5-Week7 / 01.05.23-19.05.23

Figure 2.1:final task2-JPEG


Figure 2.1:final task2-PDF


Figure2.2:final task2(with baseline grids)-JPEG


Fig3.4:final task2(with baseline grids)-PDF



Week7 -Week13 /15.05.23-09.06.23

Downloadable link of  font:

Figure3.1:Screen grab for calligraphy

(because of my Fontlab cannot use)


Figure 3.2:Letter“aetkgriympn”and Punctuation mark-JPEG


Figure 3.3:Letter“aetkgriympn”and Punctuation mark-PDF


Figure3.4:Placard with A4-JPEG


Figure3.5:Placard with A4-PDF




The layout of this semester is undoubtedly a challenge for me. I had never touched typography before. Through this semester's typesetting course, I fully realized that typesetting is essential in life, and made my design more fulfilling . At first, it was a little difficult to keep up with the classes and assignments, from language problems to the inability to use the software to the procrastination of the assignments . But I also learned a lot.


Through this semester, my sense of detail has been greatly improved. There are many elements in a good typesetting, including the size of the word, length and width, etc., which is a very challenging project. In the design process to pay attention to the composition, you can make the article look more beautiful.


Through this semester, I gradually got familiar with the course of typesetting. Small details will affect the public's way of transmitting information and perception of signboards. There are many typographic designers who create designs that have great influence. They all pay great attention to the way each stroke is arranged, and different typesetting will have different feelings.


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