Information Desgin - FLIP Topic
Information Desgin - FLIP
FLIP Topic 1:Saul Wurman's L.A.T.C.H Method
FLIP Topic 2: Miller's Law
FLIP Topic 3: Manuel Lima’s 9 Directives Manifesto
L.A.T.C.H (Flip 2)
The following questions are included in the discussion of L.A.T.C.H:
1. what is latch
2. location
3. alphabet
4. time
5. category
6. hierachy
L.A.T.C.H is a method of information organization that consist of these principles:
Be careful when using L.A.T.C.H, provided all Data can be reduced to five basic dimensions (location,Alphabet, Time, Category, Hierarchy) L.A.T.C.H is efficient because it provides an easy-to-use structured framework.
Below is the ppt of our group:
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Chunking (Flip 3)
The following questions are included in the discussion of Chunking:
1. what it is
2. who invented it
3. infographic example
4. screen based examples
5. processes example
The first is to group some individual objects into manageable groups, such as based on patterns, associations or categories.
Organize information into smaller groups by using Miller's suggested "magic number seven", making the maximum number of units of information seven.
Improve recall and application, chunk information into smaller chunks to increase brain capacity and memory, and use effective shapes and colors, and text arrangement to identify information.
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Manuel Lima’s 9 Directives Manifesto (Flip 4)
The following questions are included in the discussion of Manuel Lima’s 9 Directives Manifesto:
1. Form follows function
2. Interactivity is key
3. Cite your source
4. The power of narrative
5. Do not glorify aesthetics
6. Look for relevancy
7. Embrace time
8. Aspire for knowledge
9. Avoid gratuitous visualization
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